Whether it's silly, eerie or sometimes even hilarious, it's always entertaining at the Moore household. I hope you will enjoy reading about our family and our frequent misadventures. Scroll on down for more complete stories, and click bottom link for next page.
Friday, May 26, 2017
When James told me that he was going to salvage a part off of our previous screen door, I felt a mixture of alarm and pity- as I recalled we had no previous screen door. I very gently explained that. He disagreed. I softly and respectfully said no-- we hadn't - and near tearfully reminded him that we only had the one. I was feeling so sorry for the poor thing as he was obviously looking senility in the face. Then he said-- "well-- how come I have one sitting in the basement, with said part on it that you put in it to begin with." And I said... "oh yeah, that one." Oops. Sorry old thing. My mistake.